The Position

 Eagle Fire Commissioner

Some people ask, What is the purpose and responsibility of a fire commissioner

In a nutshell, the Board of Commissioners is a citizen oversight board that looks at the financials and requirements of the Fire District and makes decisions that are fiscally sound to maintain the level of service that the citizens expect. We want to know that our taxes are being spent efficiently. The Board is that entity that is beholden to the citizens.

The Eagle Fire District was founded in 1947. The purpose of the Fire District is to maintain emergency services for the residents within said district. The district is split into 3 distinct sub-districts. Each sub-district has 1 commissioner that lives within that unique sub-district. However, all citizens within the fire district vote in the election for the commissioner. Idaho code title 31 chapter 14 grants powers to the Board of Commissioners.

The responsibilities of the board are to:

  • To sue and be sued
  • To purchase, sell, hold real property in the best interest of the citizens within the district.
  • To levy and apply taxes and approve the annual district budget.
  • To negotiate and execute all applicable contracts within the district.
  • To set compensation and benefits for all employees, including contractors and agents.
  • To enforce the fire code and rules adopted by the state fire marshal.

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